in Experiences by (800 points)
I've currently been on this site for the better part of 7 months now, I would like to go over my experience as an active user of the site. Starting off, a recollection of the beginning. When I came I was immediately attracted to the idea of a "Quiz Room". The aspect of training my mind in a semi-fun way against other real users to climb an achievable status on the leaderboard sold me to stay on the site for the day. Soon I entered General chat, and I became a regular, drawn by the aspect of being socially excepted with an interaction that I wasn't getting in my own personal life. As time went on I became semi-popular and ended up getting a chance at dating room staff. I accepted, eventually working my way up to room owner, and then site mod. I recount my experiences not only to self-reflect but to give advice to staff and new users.

I  understand that strangers are not generally a viable first option to conversate with, users of the guest rank/user rank are ignored more than say a VIP. Not to say the VIP did not earn his/her rank but to have the gull to treat a person differently because of their title just doesn't sit well with me. Speaking from experience, I felt kind of intimidated by the VIP status, often referring to talking to other users of the same user rank as myself rather than risking being humiliated by the empowering diamond. I do not think that the VIP system should be changed, not even altered, but I do feel however that to not only keep the site running but to advance it, we need a better/friendlier joining experience. Users need to be open to the idea that maybe that guest/new user was in the same place they were when joining the site. In this way, we encourage newcomers to not only stay but maybe bring a friend! It all starts with a "Welcome to the chat! How are you today." It's the small things that count at the end of the day. Make people feel welcomed, this is a site meant for all users regardless of race/gender/age, let's treat everyone accordingly. Thank you for reading, I hope this helps in some regard.

My time as a moderator was pleasant to the extent of I was treated above a normal user. At first, I enjoyed the attention, being flattered daily. But as time went on I realized how little the mod rank meant to the people in terms of helping the chat run okay over-popularity. Everyone wanted the rank, they didn't care about the importance of the role. This falls into the point of just accepting and treating every user with the same dignity you would treat the Super Admin. I feel people wouldn't strive for the title as much if we achieved the goal I'm reaching out for in this post. There were very few people each day besides the wonderful set of Admins and Site Mods that would come to me about a more than trivial issue regarding chatter. I became Room Owner and the title/popularity became more prestigious but I'm glad to say that more issues that I could address came my way. I always greeted every user with the same respect I would want in return, inturn my chat went from 10 people per day to gaining 50 people daily. It was easy enough to be nice to achieve this. I stress the importance of decency to remind people that we could have a plentiful site, 50 users+ in each room, but it all starts somewhere, and the time is now.

As a Site Mod, I feel I can hit my message home in every room, using the title that everyone so holds above their head almightily to carry on the great vibes of before. Overall, my experience on this site has been 100% excellent, as I'm sure a lot of other users' experiences are as well. This post only pertains to the idea I have in my head at the moment, with many more on the way, I once again thank the audience.

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+3 votes
I see your point here I also treat users the same i was also a user once before becoming vip and some people treat guests the way they treat them because they are weirded out they think just because this guest PMED them all guests are like that and all guests are horrible and i myself used to think that but I've met some pretty awesome guests some of my experiences with guests are quite wonderful some not so much but I've made quite a few guest accounts myself even if I was registered and its not only guests who send links and things these ip stealers are registering aswell but i see your point i think that all users should be given a fair chance irrespective of the past situations with users of their rank

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