in Tips by (1.5k points)
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So you want to become a staff member?

Everyone has an equal chance at becoming a staff member. Although, becoming a staff is not something handed out like candy. In this post i will give you some tips on how to effectively increase your chances.

Yet, before we dive into that... Take into account that if there are no open positions; you will not be able to become a staff member regardless of eligibility.

You should also take some time to think about why you want to be one. That is something i personally ask to anyone that asks me about becoming a staff member. There are no real benefits to being one; its all just work. It does not give you any "power". Staff are bound by the same rules as everyone else. Do you want to be one because you love the chat and want to help as much as you can, or maybe you think it sounds like something you would enjoy doing and wish to try it out, or could it be perhaps you just want to be one; because you like bossing people around (which would not be a very good reason). Your answer to this question will play a key role on how far you will go on this path; or even whether or not you will be able to start.

With that in mind, here are some tips that will increase your chances:

1. You must not have any recent mutes or kicks on your account. if you do, your chances are significantly reduced and you will not be very likely at all to get it.

2. You should have at least been VIP for a few months. Non VIP users will not be able to apply for a staff position.

3. Be mature, active and participate often in the chat.

4. Have a good mind state and be able to understand if someone is joking. If your someone that is easily offended, or are currently going through some rough personal issues; this may not be the right time for you to think about becoming a staff member. As a staff member you will meet people you don't like. Also using the ignore button would hinder your ability to do your job and thus is highly discouraged. You may also find yourself in a situation where rude things are being said in a friendly and joking manner. If you have trouble telling the difference between when its serious and when its not; then you should not consider becoming a staff member at this moment in time.

And finally...

5. Report bad behavior whenever you see it. This will be something you will be doing throughout your time as a staff member; as you can not handle everything by yourself. You may find yourself in a situation outside of your ability to appropriately handle. We work as a team. There is no shame in asking for help or requesting a higher up to handle something that you cant. This is also the best way you can help out without even being a staff member. You don't need a rank to help. Reporting does just as much good.

I hope you found these tips to be helpful.

Best of luck to you!

4 Replies

+8 votes
by (800 points)

I love the fact that you stressed the importance of staff following the same rules as other users. They are not above anyone in the sense they are here to solely fulfill a job-and chatter like everyone else. Do not take the job for popularity/social reasons!.

+6 votes
by (680 points)
Well, This really has me thinking! I hope in the near future I will be able to work along side the other staff! This was real helpful, Thank you for the people that have wrote this!
+6 votes
reshown by
Well, this is very helpful! Thank you! You really have me thinking. But, Yes, I'm interested!
+5 votes
I have one question?

Will there be trials for people or is that not what your doing?

But I am interested in the staff member thing, Maybe in the future for me tho.

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