in Tips by VIP (25.2k points)
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Staffing and the responsibilities it holds often demand your attention, energy, and emotional control daily. It can become stressful and frustrating sometimes, yet learning how to handle this and turn it into something important and rewarding can significantly benefit you and your performance.

Here are some things you should consider before you begin staffing, or preparing to become a staff member:

1. These jobs are 100 % voluntary and are not paid

2. Staffing requires a great amount of time. Do not commit to a position if you cannot commit quality time to that position.

3. Remember, staff members need to maintain a friendly, neutral, and calm viewpoint at all times

4. Promotions often do not happen overnight, and pushing for them will not increase your chances. Be patient and work hard, show that you are fit to handle the role you are asking for.

5. Your mental health is important and should be your top priority. If you are feeling overwhelmed in any way, please take care of yourself. You are always welcome to have a break and do what is needed to help yourself get to a better emotional or mental state.

Once you have settled into the role of a staff member, your responsibilities will start to become a routine, and less difficult to handle.

Here are some of the basic things that are important regardless of the rank you have, and that you should follow while you are on duty.

Activity-  Activity can be a bit difficult sometimes, and I understand it is hard to juggle both positions and life. Sometimes people cannot be on as much as they'd like, and that is alright as well. There is not a set time for activity for each member, as I encourage you to pick the number of hours that fit your schedule best. However, the most important part of activity is how much you are active in the chat, such as warning people, removing comments, etc. Thus, try to commit a minimum of two hours of active moderating a day, and if you find you can do more, that is wonderful. If you find yourself unable to meet that requirement, you can work to find the best number of hours for you.

Warnings, Mutes, and Kicks-  Figuring out when to warn, mute, and kick is a simple task if you know what and when it is appropriate to do so. Warnings should be issued anytime a user violates a rule, causes a fight, or starts an argument. The number of warnings given varies, but at least two should be dealt to the user. Resorting to an immediate mute or kick without a reason stated is not permitted. If you have issued the necessary amount of warnings to the user and they still do not listen, you can give a mute. The first mute should last five minutes. If trouble persists, issue a ten minute mute. If the problem still continues, you may call for a kick or a fifteen-minute mute then kick.  Kicks are used when the mutes fail to deter the trouble being caused. The first kick, as to mutes, lasts five minutes, the next ten, and the next fifteen.

Removing Messages- Messages should only be removed if they break rules. However, if you remove something by accident, that is perfectly fine, it happens. Just make sure you let others know it was not on purpose.

Keeping Your Cool- It is incredibly important to maintain a neutral, calm, friendly demeanor at all times, regardless of the situation. This ensures you can properly handle your responsibilities. When you lose this, you lose your ability to perform in the appropriate way and can lead to consequences. If you are feeling you cannot keep this at the moment, log off and take a break, so you can return to a better state of wellbeing.

Following Rules / Handling Fights and Arguments- Staff members are expected to follow the rules and are not excused from it, just because of their rank. Remember to follow the rules through your words, actions, and behavior. Fights and arguments are usually avoided, but, if you find yourself stuck in one, make sure you handle it properly. Ask the person(s) to take the argument or out of general, wherever works best. Be respectful and civilized, and aim to resolve the argument or fight as soon as possible.

Respecting Your Team- You are part of a team, and none of us can do this alone. We need to be able to rely and trust one another, as we are united under the same goal. Although we all have different beliefs and viewpoints, the key is respect. This allows us to feel respected, as well as be able to be open to different ideas and viewpoints. With this mutual feeling of respect, healthy relationships can be formed, and together, we will be able to do great things, united as one.

It Is Alright to Ask For Help- If you find yourself confused or struggling, remember it is perfectly alright to ask someone for help. Do not feel as if you need to struggle alone, we are all here to help you through this process.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I do hope it helps.


2 Replies

+7 votes
by VIP (23.2k points)
Nice post you have there, it will help to explain the new staff member.
by VIP (25.2k points)
Thank you.
+4 votes
by (680 points)
Thank you for the helpful info!

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